Spring 2025  |  FSCN 1102 Section 001: Food: Safety, Risks, and Technology (55321)

Class Component:
3 Credits
Grading Basis:
Student Option No Audit
Instructor Consent:
No Special Consent Required
Instruction Mode:
In Person
Class Attributes:
UMNTC Liberal Education Requirement
Times and Locations:
Regular Academic Session
01/21/2025 - 05/05/2025
Mon, Wed 10:15AM - 11:30AM
UMTC, St Paul
Enrollment Status:
Open (0 of 180 seats filled)
Also Offered:
Course Catalog Description:
Introduction to inherent risks/safety of food supply. Use of public policy and food technology to reduce risks. Microbiological, chemical, and environmental hazards, government/industry controls.
Class Description:
This course is designed to introduce you to the inherent risks of the food supply, and the use of public policy and food technology to reduce risks. We will survey microbiological, chemical, and environmental hazards, government and industry controls used to ensure food safety, and public perception of these risks. You will learn about timely issues such as genetically modified foods, food allergies, and approaches to biosecurity. You will demonstrate your understanding of food safety concepts through the assignments, which involve hypothetical or real scenarios that may challenge your existing values.
Who Should Take This Class?:
We aspire for this course to be accessible and inclusive for all. Anyone with an interest in food safety and technology is welcome. Those looking to satisfy a CLE Civic Life and Ethics theme gen ed requirement, Dietetics Core Knowledge requirements, or CFANS Interdisciplinary Learning core course requirement may want to take this course.
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the history, structure, and function of food regulation in the U.S., at all levels of government, especially as it relates to food safety.
2. Identify hazards in food (systems), assess the risk associated with these hazards, and propose scientifically supported and culturally appropriate strategies to reduce the risk.
3. Compose a mock TV debate transcript on an ethically ambiguous topic in food safety, utilizing reputable sources to construct at least 5 key arguments for each side of the debate. Critically evaluate both arguments that you have constructed and write a personal reflection of your stance on the issue, using evidence from both sides of the debate to support your position.
Grades will be based on points awarded for assignments, exams, and engagement activities. Breakdown may vary based on the needs of the course. In general, we expect that contributions for the final grade by assignment type will be:
~45% exams
~30% engagement activities
~15% course project
~10% quizzes
Exam Format:
The exams will be on Canvas and will be open for approximately 4 days so that you may take them at a time and pace that is comfortable for you. Exams are open-note and may touch on any material or discussion covered in class. Exam questions will be posed as scenarios that you'll need to solve using key background information learned in class. Each scenario will be multiple-choice, and you'll need to select the best solution.
Class Format:
50% Instructor-led lecture
25% Guest lectures or other video presentation
25% Discussion/in-class activities
Workload may vary based on class needs. In general, we expect to have:
5 quizzes
5 class discussion activities
3 review activities
3 exams
1 final course essay

We will read a short book on food safety and risk during the semester, and the content from this book will be included in quizzes and exams. In addition, we may have up to 5 required short readings or videos to prime the class for the discussion activities. We will provide other readings and resources for each unit, but these are optional for students interested in diving deeper into specific topics.
Instructor Supplied Information Last Updated:
8 January 2024

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