Spring 2024  |  GER 5410 Section 001: Topics in German Literature -- Overtones in Thomas Mann's Dr. Faustus (67156)

Class Component:
3 Credits
Repeat Credit Limit:
9 Credits
Grading Basis:
Student Option
Instructor Consent:
No Special Consent Required
Instruction Mode:
In Person
Class Attributes:
Topics Course
Enrollment Requirements:
Exclude fr or soph 5000 level courses
Times and Locations:
Regular Academic Session
01/16/2024 - 04/29/2024
Thu 02:30PM - 05:00PM
UMTC, East Bank
Kolthoff Hall 135
Enrollment Status:
Open (7 of 15 seats filled)
Also Offered:
Course Catalog Description:
Topic may focus on a specific author, group of authors, genre, period, or subject matter. Topics specified in Class Schedule.
Class Description:

GER 5410 - Topics in German Literature

Overtones in Thomas Mann:
Dr. Faustus and Intermedia

Th 02:30 PM - 05:00 PM

Civil Engineering Bldg 213

Thomas Gurke (DAAD Visiting Professor)

This course explores the intertextual connections between Thomas Mann's novel Dr. Faustus and a range of cultural, philosophical, and musical influences, including the music of Richard Wagner and Arnold Schoenberg, the literature of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and Theodor W. Adorno. Through close readings of the novel and its intermedia, students will engage in critical discussions on topics such as modernism, aesthetic theory, musicology, and the relationship between art and politics.

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The first part of the course will introduce students to the literary, historical, and cultural contexts of Mann's novel. We will examine the life and work of Mann, the cultural milieu of early 20th century Germany, and the historical events that shaped the novel's composition and reception. We will also explore the concepts of intertextuality and intermediality and their relevance to the study of literature.

In the second part of the course, we will focus on the intermedia of Dr. Faustus. We will explore the philosophical ideas of Nietzsche, Goethe, and Adorno, and their impact on Mann's artistic vision. We will also examine the musical influences of Schoenberg and the twelve-tone technique, as well as the novel's complex engagement with the history of German music.

Throughout the course, students will engage in critical discussions and writing assignments that encourage them to analyze the novel's intertexts from multiple perspectives. Students will also have the opportunity to conduct their own research projects on a specific aspect of the novel's intertextual and intermedial connections.

By the end of the course, students will have gained a comprehensive understanding of the cultural and artistic influences that shaped Mann's Dr. Faustus, as well as the complex intertextual relationships that exist between the novel and a range of other cultural works. They will also have developed their critical thinking, research, and writing skills, preparing them for advanced study in German and Comparative literature, Cultural Studies, or related fields.

All text available in German and English - class will be primarily taught in English.

Who Should Take This Class?:
Advanced study in German and Comparative literature, Cultural Studies, or related fields.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the course, students will have gained a comprehensive understanding of the cultural and artistic influences that shaped Mann's Dr. Faustus, as well as the complex intertextual relationships that exist between the novel and a range of other cultural works.
Class Format:
Discussion / Seminar
Instructor Supplied Information Last Updated:
7 November 2023

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