Fall 2024  |  JWST 1201 Section 001: The Bible: Context and Interpretation, World of the Hebrew Bible (18447)

Class Component:
3 Credits
Grading Basis:
Student Option
Instructor Consent:
No Special Consent Required
Instruction Mode:
In Person
Class Attributes:
UMNTC Liberal Education Requirement
Meets With:
CNRC 1201 Section 001
CNRC 3201 Section 001
JWST 3201 Section 001
RELS 1201 Section 001
RELS 3201 Section 001
Times and Locations:
Regular Academic Session
09/03/2024 - 12/11/2024
Tue, Thu 11:15AM - 12:30PM
UMTC, East Bank
Tate Laboratory of Physics 105
Enrollment Status:
Open (3 of 10 seats filled)
Also Offered:
Course Catalog Description:
The Hebrew Bible and Old Testament are literary collections that modern Jewish and Christian traditions maintain as important, but these collections were initially produced by ancient Israelite scribes who composed and/or compiled the biblical texts at particular time periods in the ancient Near East. This course will introduce the academic study of biblical texts, which demands critical analysis of the literature and an openness to reading the literature from the perspective of ancient Israelite writers (who lived in a world far different from today). The course will spend considerable time on the literary (and scribal) composition of biblical prose texts; time will also be spent on the historical circumstances of biblical prophets and other writers of the biblical texts. This course will only address the ancient setting of the biblical texts and not re-interpretations in Jewish or Christian traditions. Given the scope of the course, modern interpretations of the biblical literature will not be discussed; we will only focus on this literature in its ancient setting. prereq: Knowledge of Hebrew not required
Class Description:
The Hebrew Bible and Old Testament are literary collections that modern Jewish and Christian traditions maintain as important, but these collections were initially produced by ancient Israelite scribes who composed and/or compiled the biblical texts at particular time periods in the ancient Near East. This course will introduce the academic study of biblical texts, which demands critical analysis of the literature and an openness to reading the literature from the perspective of ancient Israelite writers (who lived in a world far different from today). The course will spend considerable time on the literary (and scribal) composition of biblical prose texts; time will also be spent on the historical circumstances of biblical prophets and on the significance of wisdom literature. This course fulfills the Liberal Education Requirement of Literature in that the course examines the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament as ancient literature, asking questions about its language and meaning in its social and historical contexts. This course will only address the ancient setting of the biblical texts and not re-interpretations in Jewish or Christian traditions. Given the scope of the course, modern interpretations of the biblical literature will not be discussed; we will only focus on this literature in its ancient setting.
Instructor Supplied Information Last Updated:
10 April 2014

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