Spring 2020  |  COMM 3601 Section 001: Introduction to Rhetorical Theory (52986)

Class Component:
3 Credits
Grading Basis:
Student Option
Instructor Consent:
No Special Consent Required
Instruction Mode:
In Person Term Based
Times and Locations:
Regular Academic Session
01/21/2020 - 05/04/2020
Mon, Wed 01:00PM - 02:15PM
UMTC, West Bank
Blegen Hall 5
Enrollment Status:
Open (77 of 112 seats filled)
Also Offered:
Course Catalog Description:
Theoretical systems to explain/direct creation of public discourse. Traditional rhetoric to contemporary perspectives. Using theory to explain practice of public discourse.
Class Description:

Theoretical systems to explain/direct creation of public discourse. Traditional rhetoric to contemporary perspectives. Using theory to explain practice of public discourse.

COMM 3601 is a course in the history and theory of rhetoric. In its long and distinguished history, rhetoric was thought of as the art of persuasion in public contexts, especially in political and legal settings. Rhetoric prepared students for positions as leaders in government and as lawyers and judges. At many points in the past, the primary purpose of education was to prepare and enable students to become active citizens and leaders of their nations. Speaking effectively is obviously an essential skill to being a political leader or a lawyer. To study the history of rhetoric is, therefore, to study the history of citizen involvement in politics and the courts. Throughout this course, we will study the political role that rhetoric played - from its crucial contribution to the birth of democracy in Athens in the fifth century BCE; through the Roman Republic of Cicero's time, which became a model for our founding fathers; then in Renaissance Italy, when Machiavelli taught that what is persuasive is often more important to effective rule that what is true and right; and into twenty-first century America where what is persuasive often conflicts with what is true and right. We will also study rhetoric from a philosophical point of view. It seems impossible to think about rhetoric without raising some fundamental questions, such as "What is the relationship between language and reality or, at least, between language and our knowledge of reality?" "What ethical obligations should we assume when we attempt to persuade someone about a matter on which experts disagree?" Throughout history, philosophers and rhetoricians have debated these matters. To study the history and theory of rhetoric is, then, to study epistemology (theories of knowledge) and moral philosophy (theories of ethics). Finally, from Ancient Athens through the Renaissance (a period of roughly 2100 years), rhetoric was the central discipline, the organizing subject, in schools throughout Europe. No subject before or since has occupied such an important place in the curriculum. Rhetoric was not taught (as it often is today) as a skill only - as teaching someone how to deliver a speech or write a paper. The question at the center of the rhetoric course was, "What does one need to know and be able to do to persuade someone in our culture?" Therefore, according to Cicero, the orator needed comprehensive knowledge of the culture in order to be an effective speaker. We will study the role of rhetoric in the history of education in the West. Indeed, to study rhetoric is to study the history of Western civilization, especially the history of what we know today as the liberal arts. In short, not only will this course prepare you as a political commentator and an ethical watchdog, it will prepare you for Cash Cab!

Instructor Supplied Information Last Updated:
1 November 2016

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