Spring 2018  |  SLHS 3303 Section 001: Language Acquisition and Science (50901)

Timothy Huang (TA)
Class Component:
3 Credits
Grading Basis:
Student Option
Instructor Consent:
No Special Consent Required
Instruction Mode:
In Person Term Based
Times and Locations:
Regular Academic Session
01/16/2018 - 05/04/2018
Tue, Thu 01:00PM - 02:15PM
UMTC, East Bank
Shevlin Hall 20
Enrollment Status:
Closed (75 of 75 seats filled)
Also Offered:
Course Catalog Description:
Survey of typical language development, major theoretical perspectives about development, and analyses of children's language.
Class Description:
Language is a unique human skill that allows us to express ideas and thoughts of the past, present, or future using a productive symbol system. Language is one of the most complex and amazing skills that we learn and use unconsciously. This course is constructed as a survey of typical language development and major theoretical perspectives about language development. Applications of current theory to analysis of children's language will also be presented. As a result of this class, you should gain an appreciation of language and its role in humanity.

Assignments/Exams (% of final grade):

1. Reaction Paper (5%)

2. Article Review (5%)

3. Language Sample (15%)

4. MLU & TTR Analysis (5%)

5. Exam 1 (15%)

6. Exam 2 (15%)

7. Exam 3 (15%)

8. Final Exam (20%)

9. Class Participation (5%)

Grade Scale:

A (93%-100%), A- (90%-92%), B+ (87%-89%), B (83%-86%), B- (80%-82%), C+
(77%-79%), C (73%-76%), C- (70%-72%), D+ (67%-69%), D (60%-66%), F (0%-59%).

Exam Format:
There are typically four exams. The format and specific content of the exams will be discussed in class. Typically, the each exam includes a portion of multiple choice questions using Instant Feedback Assessment Forms and a portion of short-answer/fill-in-the-blank questions. Makeup examinations are provided only for legitimate absences (i.e., religious holidays, verifiable illnesses, family emergencies, scheduled activities of an official university organization, etc.). Students are not able to take the final examination before the set time (except for the legitimate absences outlined above). An incomplete (I) grade will only be considered if a written agreement of specific work to be completed is arranged between instructor and student. All exams must be made up within 24 hours, unless other arrangements have been made. If the instructor is not contacted within 24 hours, there will be no opportunity for a make-up exam.
Class Format:
This course comprises text and journal article readings; weekly lectures; in-class discussions and activities; a reaction paper; study evaluations; an individual project; and four exams.

Each class period typically will include a lecture interspersed with in-class activities and discussions. Material included in your readings as well as material from other sources will be presented each week in lecture form.

In addition to lecture, class sessions may include class discussion, small group discussion, hands-on practice with language analyses, video presentations, etc. Active participation is always expected. Frequently, in-class activities will be collected and completion will be documented and counted towards class participation points.
University of Minnesota Senate Policy states that for undergraduate students, the average student in an average week should expect to devote 3
hours per week for each credit hour of registration. Thus, for this 3-credit course, a total of 9 hours per week should be devoted to preparing for class, attending class, completing assignments, and studying. This includes 3 hours of class time plus 6 hours outside of class. Such students are likely to do well in this course.
Instructor Supplied Information Last Updated:
10 January 2017

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